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Origin & Objectives
Award Rules
Green Tech聯誼會


  • Origin

   TECO Award is positioning to be a lifetime achievement award, and most of the prizewinners are expert in specific subject. However, to encourage teenagers to create, TECO Technology Foundation has founded the “TECO Creativity Contest” in 2006. Initially, the main theme of the contest was “Robots”, but was later changed to “Green Tech” due to the energy saving and carbon dioxide emission reduction in 2008. The participating students can research on the possible solutions that create friendly energy resources, materials and applications which simply make the world better. Subsequently, in 2010, the contest has expanded to include international students from leading Asian universities in the TECO Green Tech Contest’s international competition. These leading institutes include the University of Tokyo, Lomonosov Moscow State University, National University of Singapore, Peking University, and National Tsing Hua University, and other outstanding universities in Asia. The participation of these universities has furthered the global educational exchange on energy-saving and emission-reducing technologies. As of 2013, participants in the TECO Green Tech Contest included the teams from China, Singapore, Japan, India and Russia. Adjusting to human progress and technological advances so as to provide appropriate humanitarian programs, The TECO Technology Foundation aspires to strengthen and foster the coexistence of science and literature within the society.

  • Objectives

1.To collaborate with domestic and foreign green-energy experts:

The Judging Panel promotes the collaboration of researchers and experts regarding energy savings and emission reduction international.

2.To establish a contest that encourages "technical creativity" and features research on professional energy savings and emission reductions:

The theme contest appeals to international to support both the development of energy-saving and emission-reducing technologies and educating the public about them.

3.To establish a technical creativity information network:

This Contest provides a network for technological exchanges that make possible the development of green-tech researches among outstanding universities on the world.

4.To implement good corporate social responsibility:

TECO considers this public-service contest one of its most important CSR services.

5.To promote social cohesion:

This Contest focuses public attention on protecting the Earth by advocating energy savings and low carbon emissions.
